Hello Idaho libraries,
ILA’s current vice president, Jessica Bowman, has accepted a job out of state and is stepping down from her ILA position. We are seeking someone to serve the remainder of her term which runs until October 2023. The job of vice president is a dynamic and important one, and serving on the ILA board is an excellent way to develop leadership skills and become more connected with library workers throughout the state. Previous experience with ILA is not required as Jessica has offered to continue as a co-vice president for a time until the new vice president has settled into the role.
Below is the description of the vice president’s duties. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Jessica Bowman at idaholibrariesvicepresident@gmail.com or Amy Campbell at acampbell@marshallpl.org.
Thank you,
Vice President
Must be an individual member of ILA
- Serves as a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Acts in the absence of the President. If the President vacates the office, the Vice President completes the term.
- Serves as the chair of the Regional Conferences Committee and Steering Committee.
- Calls for a financial review from the current Treasure within 30 days after a change of Treasurer.
- Makes decisions about web page content when appropriate; refers other decisions to the board for discussion.
- Updates the ILA social media accounts.
- Represents the President upon request.
- Keeps in close touch with the President throughout the year to solve problems and to prepare to assume the duties of the presidency.
- Assists the President in monitoring the website for updated content.
- Receives regular reports from committees.
- Committee appointments
- Appoints chairpersons of all operational committees, and serves as ex officio member of all operational committees.
- Suggests members to serve on committees. Final appointments are made by the Vice President after conferring with chairpersons of committees, and after gaining consent of individuals to serve.
- Appoints special committees, when necessary, with approval of the Board of Directors.
- Maintains a current file of information needed by new Board and Committee members.
- Informs each committee chairperson, at time of appointment, of specific duties of committee as defined by the Board of Directors; indicates objectives each committee is expected to attain during its period of service; and urges early consideration of budgetary needs.
- Ensures that all committee appointments are made in time for publication on the website, and/or other appropriate association publication, as determined by the Board.